What we can All learn about Life from Buddy, the dog

I know by this time, almost everyone has seen the Subaru commercial with the dog and his trusty owner on a 14th bday, ‘bucket list’ adventure.  It’s sweet to be sure, but the edges of the happiness are tinged with sorrow because the unspoken part, the part we all know, even our canine protagonist, is that at 14 this is truly something he is doing in the last of his days.  The first few times I saw this commercial, at least 3 of my 5 furbabies on the couch with me, i cried.

Enter Buddy.


This is Buddy, he is an Australian Cattle dog, who actually LIVES in Australia!  I found Buddy’s page on Facebook just after it started, 26 days ago.  If I could find a better way to present his situation I would, but his human says it so well: ‘Long story short, the little guy has been diagnosed with Severe Lymphoma and it’s at the point now that it’s wrapped around his aorta and impossible to treat. He’s been put on cortisone to shrink them a bit to make him more comfortable and that’s working really well but he’s been given 4-6 weeks and when he goes south, he’ll go south very, very quickly.’

Tragic, right?  Made even more so by the fact that our dear Buddy is only 6 years old at diagnosis, with a 7th birthday that could be too far away to celebrate.

So…….about that bucket list……… it can be found here.  Impressive in its 50 item length and absolutely FULL of whimsy, the best thing about Buddy’s list is the amount of HOPE it has.

Like the commercial, it is tarnished at the edges with the finality of passing, but after a few posts from Buddy on his adventures you definitely forget that (for the most part). Look at some of the things Buddy has done in these past 3.5 weeks since the page started!  He is positively a local celebrity!

1. Go for a run at the beach – DONE
2. Eat Ben & Jerry’s ice cream – DONE
3. Get a Special Mention on Brisbane Triple M – DONE
4. Make it on to the local News – DONE
5. Have a famous Cricketer throw the ball for him – DONE
6. Ride in a convertible with the top down – DONE
7. Eat a cooked steak dinner – DONE
8. Eat a full string of sausages – DONE


Every time I see another post from Buddy’s page I look at ALL the pictures, and I find that I smile and laugh along with his antics: like the day he got to play in mud puddles, FULL ON, soaking, running and in total dog bliss!  My two most favorite adventures of Buddy’s so far are, his day at the dog beach #26, and the best one of all, Buddy’s 7th birthday just last week #20!  I have seen Buddy’s selfies, camping trips, rides in many different cars and debut (I think) on the red carpet in a tux! But I know, you’re saying, ‘Okay, great, another dog bucket list that is super cute, we get it Irish, but where’s the hope?’
As I said, the length of the bucket list (plus the many bonus items I have seen), is impressive and if you read it fully, it is sure that you will know what I mean when I say this list is full of hope.  If you don’t want to read it all, allow me to share with you my personal ‘ray of hope’ highlights:


36. Make him the “face” of a Campaign or Product
40. Be Published in a Novel – (thanks Susan Mallery)
41. Help other pets in need
42. Make friends from all around the World – DONE! (Thank you guys so much!!)
43. Get laid
45. Legally take a stroll through a shopping centre – DONE


In the midst of Buddy doing things to fulfill HIS life as it nears its end, number 41 is especially touching.  I am happy to say I help fulfill #42, and #43 is something I think every one can relate to now and then!!


Buddy is a dog that isn’t letting signs tell him what to do in his last days, he got permission to walk around that mall and he did it!!  What stops you and I, who may or may not have tomorrow, from disobeying the sign, or at least asking for something that we may think is totally unattainable and off the wall??  It isn’t stopping Buddy and he’s a FREAKING DOG!!


The point is, don’t take your days for granted and for goodness sakes stomp in that mud puddle if you want to!!  If life gets you down just think:  WWBD, what would buddy do??


Check Buddy out on Facebook, it may become the new highlight of your day!!

4 thoughts on “What we can All learn about Life from Buddy, the dog

  1. Best blog I have read to date. :-D. You did not just take the time to tell us about Buddy, the awesome pup, you remind us life is short so live it!! AWESOME!!! THANK YOU. 🙂

    1. it is truly my pleasure to write about this. Thank you SO much!! i am humbled by your accolade. Life is too short in general and then add to it a terminal diagnosis and well, sometimes it is really hard to see the ‘light’. That’s is truly why i picked this list and buddy for my story, now go jump in a puddle and have an awesome day!! =)

  2. Love Buddy ! He is unstoppable, except for one thing. I have had Heeler’s all my life, and I follow Heeler stuff on Facebook, well because it’s Heeler’s. But Buddy is different, I feel the sorrow, of his passing will be too much for his followers, but wait every day for an update, and that sill goofy doggy grin. He doesn’t know or care what he’s been diagnosed with. He’s living La Vida Loca and good for him.

    1. i agree! like i said, buddy’s list makes my day, everyday!! I had a Blue Heeler growing up and she was awesome, so i do feel a special affection for Buddy in that way as well. Mostly tho, it is that grin, what a happy boy!! Thanks for your comment!! =)

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