Welcome to Conglomerator!!

No matter what auto-correct says I have spelled correctly!
Welcome to Conglomerator, A Place for Life’s Stuff!

The sum total of who we are, what our ‘life’ is, is a conglomeration. What made our souls soar and what has broken our hearts makes us EXACTLY who we are!

We are also made up of the influences around us, the people we know and what they ‘bring to the table’ in our lives, each experience of meeting someone new, or losing a friend to death; these are things that become part of us and in that way we all live through one another.

With this site and blog I want to explore what makes up LIFE, mine, yours, all of ours! Why do you do what you do and not something else, an experience, a chance meeting or something else that has helped define the passion within you to come out in the unique way it does through you!! What we see, what we do, what we make (or destroy) and how it all comes together to make you especially singular in this world.
This is just a short post to get started and introduce Conglomerator, more will follow and as I share it is my hope that you will too. Add to Conglomerator and see what life brings!! Here we go, are you ready??

=) Irish